Interviews with IBES
February 2, 2022
IBES director Jeff Thies had an inspiring conversation with Natural Resources Defense Council litigator David Pettit, and attorney and Climate Center Organizer Jerilyn López Mendoza about environmental justice and sustainability legislation. This discussion emphasized the need for environmental legislation to protect underserved communities impacted by pollution and the importance of community involvement. The session touches upon SDG 10 (Reduced Inequalities), SDG 11 (Sustainable Cities and Communities), and SDG 13 (Climate Action).
2021 AIM 2 Flourish Prize Videos
The 2021 Flourish Prize for Global Goal #3: Good Health and Well-Being is awarded to Pacha Soap Co. written by Hope Georgiou, Bryson Gardner, Julian Longmire, Ashley Hollis and Trevor Grinsell from Loyola Marymount University under the direction of Jeff Thies. Pacha Soap is an ethically-sourced soap brand that strives to spread goodness across the globe. Megan Buchter talks with student author Hope Georgiou, Professor Jeff Thies, and VP of Sourcing and Impact for Pacha Soap, Andy Thornton about the AIM2Flourish assignment.
The 2021 Flourish Prize for Global Goal #10: Reduced Inequalities is awarded to Dave - Banking For Humans written by Alicia Berger, Caleb Cremin-Endes, Chiara Armstrong, Cassidy Collins and Morgan Brooks from Loyola Marymount University under the direction of Jeff Thies. Dave is an alternative digital banking app that allows users to avoid incurring overdraft fees while eliminating the need to maintain account balances. Megan Buchter talks with Professor Jeff Thies, the student authors Alicia, Morgan, and Chiara, and Lauryn Nwankpa the Head of Social Impact for Dave, about the AIM2Flourish assignment
March 24, 2021
This webinar is called Presentation to PRME Chapter Talks - Engagement Tools in North America. Jeff Thies (18:45), Director of the Institute for Business Ethics and Sustainability (IBES) highlights the International Business Ethics Sustainability Case Competition (IBSECC), specifically how the competition enables students to apply ethical reasoning to business practices and sustainable development goals. David Steingard (27:10), an Associate Professor at St. Joseph's University and Associate Director of the Pedro Arrupe Center for Business Ethics delivers an overview of the SDG dashboard tool.
February 11, 2021
Jeff Thies, Director of the Institute for Business Ethics and Sustainability (IBES) joins UCTV to discuss how engaging students in conversation with ethical and sustainable businesses help create not only a deeper understanding of economics but a real world connection to critical business concepts.
February 2, 2021
Lawrence Kalbers, Associate Dean of CBA and Jeff Thies, Director of the Institute for Business Ethics and Sustainability, insightfully review and discuss the implementation of SDG 5 (Gender Equality), SDG 10 (Reduced Inequalities) and SDG 11 (Sustainable Cities and Communities) within the the College of Business Administration’s mission of and how they are advanced in business education and business practices. This event took place during CSJ’s annual symposium with the theme of justice.
Program Video Archives
Business as a Force for Good Annual Ethics Symposium
CBA Ethics and Sustainability Series
Dreier Chair in Accounting Ethics Distinguished Speaker Series
2023 International Business Ethics and Sustainability Case Competition