Symposium Archives
Every year, IBES invites a panel of speakers to reflect on a topic that relates to pressing, business-related ethics and sustainability issues. We invite you to view the archives of our annual symposium below. To view the 2023 Business as a Force for Good Annual Ethics Symposium, please click here.
In March 2022, the SEC proposed new climate-related disclosure rules that would require public companies to report the prospective risks and material impacts of climate change on business, strategy and outlook. These disclosures include greenhouse gas emissions and the financial impact of severe weather events.
In October 2022, we heard from industry leaders as they examined the new rules, identified stakeholders and discussed the economic impacts of climate change. Please see below for recordings and bio of each guest speaker.
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Two-thirds of the average company's environment, social and governance footprint lies with suppliers. Procurement leaders who take bold action can make a decisive difference in sustainability.
–"Buying into a more sustainable value chain," McKinsey & Company, Our Insights, September 20, 2021
LMU's Institute for Business Ethics and Sustainability held its 2021 Business as a Force for Good Ethics Symposium , bringing together procurement and sustainability executives from entertainment, consumer goods, health care, technology and real estate to share their organizational initiatives in supply chain sustainability. Executives from Grove Collaborative and Williams-Sonoma also presented their supply chain strategies. View the video below!
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Adversity has found its way into more lives this past year as our country battles a pandemic while trying to heal from the realities of racial injustice and systemic inequality.
Entrepreneurs are known to not just tolerate uncertainty and adversity, but to thrive because of it. This year we celebrate Black female entrepreneurs and invited students and the community to listen to the lived experiences and powerful stories of our speakers. followed by a panel discussion. The event concluded with an online networking mixer using Mixtroz, an online networking platform founded by one of the speakers. where attendees had the opportunity to build lasting relationships with one another and connect with the storytelling entrepreneurs.To access, click below:
Climate change and its impact raises critical issues for the real estate sector in Los Angeles –requiring innovation and collaboration among the private and public sectors to strengthen this vital industry to build a resilient Los Angeles.
LMU’s Institute for Business Ethics and Sustainability and Center for Urban Resilience bring together industry and governmental leaders for an engaging dialogue about real estate and its needs and opportunities in the New LA.
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Artificial intelligence is the incredible force behind self-driving cars, facial recognition systems and algorithms that can influence decisions in industries from healthcare to social media. But how are industries building partnerships to respond to the ethical issues that arise from the use of these technologies?
Experts in artificial intelligence, and leaders in tech, health care, social entrepreneurship and academia, will discuss the impact of artificial intelligence on technology and society during a symposium called "Artificial Intelligence and Ethics: Challenges, Opportunities and Partnerships.” This event will feature a host of speakers and panelists, with sessions focused on industry and public sector partnerships, health care as a model for advancing social good; patient data, security and data governance; emerging trends; innovation and community impact; and decision making.
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