LMU Entrepreneurship Certificate Program

The nationally-ranked entrepreneurship program at LMU offers a certificate program that introduces students to the world of entrepreneurship! This is an excellent opportunity for students from various disciplines to learn the most fundamental and essential concepts in entrepreneurship. Program participants will gain a solid foundation in generating new business models, developing an entrepreneurial mindset, design thinking, raising capital, growth marketing, etc. 

All LMU undergraduate and graduate students are invited to apply to the Entrepreneurship Certificate Program, with the exception of entrepreneurship majors and MSESI students. This cohort program is offered in both fall and spring semesters. Students have the option to finish the program in one semester or over two semesters. There is no cost for students currently enrolled at LMU. CBA students earn CBA Advantage points for each session attended!

Application Deadline: Thursday, Sept. 26, 2024

Certificate Requirements

Program participants must earn 10 points from Fred Kiesner Center for Entrepreneurship activities, such as:

  • LMU Startup Weekend (6 points)
  • LMU New Idea Pitch Competition (1-3 points)
  • Company Visits (2 points per visit)
  • Alumni Wall of Honor & Student Awards Celebration (2 points)
  • Hilton Distinguished Entrepreneur Lecture Events (1.5 points)
  • Entrepreneurship Society Speaker Events (1 point per event)
  • LMU Family Business Entrepreneurship Conference (2 points)


The following six sessions are taught by esteemed LMU faculty. Sessions 1, 2, and 6 are mandatory. Sessions 1 and 6 must be completed in the semester the student enrolls in the program.

Session 1: Introduction to Entrepreneurship & Business Model Canvas Kickoff (mandatory; must be completed in fall 2024) 
Friday, Oct. 4
1 - 4 p.m. in Hilton 031

  • Introduction to Entrepreneurship (2 hours)
  • Business Model Canvas Kickoff (1 hour) - introduction to key activities, team formation

Session 2: Entrepreneurial Mindset (mandatory) 
Friday, Oct. 18 
1 - 3 p.m. in Hilton 031

  • Entrepreneurial Mindset
  • Personal Initiative Training
  • Goal-Setting

In addition, students are required to attend at least 2 of the following sessions: (note: attending these additional sessions will each contribute 1.5 points toward the co-curricular point total)

  • Session 3: Design Thinking
    Friday, Nov. 1
    1 - 3 p.m. in Hilton 031

  • Session 4: Growth Marketing
    Friday, Nov. 8
    1 - 3 p.m. in Hilton 031

  • Session 5: Raising Capital
    Friday, Nov. 15
    1 - 3 p.m. in Hilton 031

Session 6: Business Model Canvas Review (mandatory; must be completed in fall 2024)
Friday, Nov. 22
1 - 3 p.m. in Hilton 031

  • At the review session, each team will present the Business Model Canvas for their business idea. The students will walk through the different boxes in the business model canvas and get feedback from the instructor. Students can ask questions and seek clarification.
  • Pre-work: Post Session 1, students would have reviewed a series of videos on the business model canvas (online asynchronous). Students would also have worked within their teams to fill out the business model canvas for a business idea that their team has selected. Students must complete the module business model canvas before the review session. Students would have had approximately 2.5 months to complete the business model canvas.