Name: Zoe Chang '26
Major: Accounting
Minor: Chinese
What is something that you found valuable about your CBA Advantage experience?
The events; without the meetings and events, I wouldn’t know about activities happening around campus, especially in the CBA.
What advice do you have for students as they complete their CBA Advantage requirements?
It’s not as hard as it looks! 2,000 seems like a lot, but it really isn’t. As long as you time-manage and set your priorities, you’ll be done in a jiffy! If you can’t make it to some events, I recommend taking advantage of the online and asynchronous ones.
What was your favorite activity related to CBA Advantage?
I most enjoy the Real Estate Certificate Seminars and Business Law meetings, as those are both areas I am highly interested in!
What activity in CBA Advantage would you recommend for students?
Real Estate Certificate Seminars; my dad is a real estate broker, and we live in Hawaii. Property management, finances, etc. are SKYROCKETING, and I find that if you are planning to live in California - or anywhere really - the seminars give a lot of good insights!