Name: Allie Saharic '25
Major: Marketing

What is something you found valuable about your CBA Advantage experience?

CBA Advantage has allowed me to gain skills beyond the classroom that positively impact my career growth. As a junior, the prospect of entering the job market has become a significant focus in my life. Knowing I've gained numerous business-related skills through CBA has boosted my confidence and instilled hope as I anticipate securing my first job in the business world.

What advice do you have for students as they complete their CBA Advantage requirements?

My biggest piece of advice for students is to find activities that excite and empower them. There are numerous career and personal development opportunities within CBA. Choosing activities that genuinely interest you makes fulfilling the requirements enjoyable and greatly enhances your overall college experience.

What was your favorite activity related to CBA Advantage?
One of my favorite CBA Advantage activities is attending events organized by the Marketing Society, such as guest speakers and workshops. As a marketing major, the advice from the guest speakers was really helpful. Because I enjoyed it so much, I became the director of career development for the Marketing Society. The Marketing Society introduced me to inspiring CBA leaders on campus and encouraged me to aim for excellence at LMU.

What activity in CBA Advantage would you recommend for students to consider completing?
I recommend that students participate in activities that help them create and improve their online profiles on LinkedIn, Handshake, and The Pride. Developing these profiles is crucial to career success, allowing you to showcase your professional experience and connect with people, including LMU alumni.