The following are a handful of published works from our M-School team.

Book Cover
Influencing Shopper Decisions: Unleash the Power of Your Brand to Win Customers
By Rebecca Brooks & Devora Rogers;
Matt Stefl Interviewed & Quoted
The netflix logo
Netflix Takes A Hit From Dave Chappelle Special
By Wendy Lee & Christi Carras; Andy Rohm quoted
Journal of Marketing Education Future Proof and Real-World Ready
The Role of Live Project-Based Learning in Students' Skill Development
By Andy Rohm, Matt Stefl & Noriko Ward
Close up of a hand touching an tablet screen
Time for a Marketing Curriculum Overhaul
***JME Outstanding Article of the Year Honorable Mention 2019***
By Andy Rohm, Matt Stefl & Julian Saint Clair
Doing Business in The United States
Doing Business in the United States
A Guide for Small Business Entrepreneurs with a Global Mindset
By Anatoly Zhuplev, Matt Stefl & Andy Rohm
AdForum logo
What It Takes to Succeed in Creative Marketing
Interview with Professor Matt Stefl
Exploring the Meaning of Luxury to Gen Z by Lauren Mabuni
Exploring the Meaning of Luxury to Gen Z
A firsthand exploration of post-millennial consumption & aspiration
By Lauren Mabuni '17 (M-School graduate)
Is the Internet killing your creative potential by Matt Stefl & Andy Rohm, Ph.D.
Is the Internet Killing your Creative Potential?
Lessons from the art of paper airplane making
By Matt Stefl & Andy Rohm
Graphic of a hand picking up a stick person out of a lineup of stick people
2016 Ad Industry Annual Talent Study
A partnership of The M-School and Carbonview Research
The New Ad Marketing 101 - Ditch The Textbooks, Embrace The Chaos by Andy Rohm
The New Ad Marketing 101
Ditch the Textbooks, Embrace the Chaos
By Andy Rohm
Four Simple Ways To Cultivate Creativity by Matt Stefl
Four Simple Ways to Cultivate Creativity
By Matt Stefl
We're All Connected - The Power of the Social Media Ecosystem by Andy Rohm
We're All Connected
The Power of the Social Media Ecosystem
By Andy Rohm
Herding Cats - A Strategic Approach to Social Media Marketing by Andy Rohm
Herding Cats
A Strategic Approach to Social Media Marketing
By Andy Rohm
Big Data Decision Making - Is there room for intuition in an era of big data by Matt Stefl
Big Data Decision Making
Is there room for intuition in an era of big data?
By Matt Stefl