We are looking for the next generation of creative marketing strategists, managers, creators, makers and storytellers. The M-School is currently only available to LMU undergraduate students. The M-School has 2 focus areas: Strategy/ Management and Content Creation. Take this survey and see which focus may be right for you. Also, D&AD put together this handy resource on "How to become a...[insert creative marketing role]"
See the FAQs below for more information.
The program is tailored for Marketing majors within LMU’s College of Business Administration. M-School students are required to take four M-School courses and are encouraged to enroll in our 1-credit electives, too.
Students apply in the spring of their sophomore year to become a part of the two-year cohort program beginning fall of their junior year. The application deadline to join the next year's fall M-School cohort is generally announced in the early spring...it's usually sometime early- or mid-April.
To apply, please complete the online application. The application will need to include your resume, GPA, focus preference (strategy, content creation or both), and a YouTube link (unlisted) to your 1-minute video answering the case study prompt. The prompt can be found in the "Apply" tab in the "For Students" section of the M-School website.
Core Curriculum
The M-School Curriculum is both a broad overview of creative marketing disciplines, but also offers a deeper dive into one of the two focus areas. The blue and green color coding below indicates which of the focus area are covered in the courses offered.

Frequently Asked Questions
We love study abroad! Go see the world, taste the tastes, smell the smells, hear the sounds, soak up new cultures, meet new people and bring all of that experience back to the classroom. If you go abroad during your Junior year, you make up any missing course(s) in your Senior year (Fall semester of your junior year is the best for study abroad since you'd only have to make up one course, MRKT-3521 The New World of Branding and Advertising, senior year).
LMU has some amazingly diverse, interesting, hard-working and talented students and many of them are interested in the M-School. For that reason, the application process to M-School is pretty competitive. Believe us when we say there is no formula for who we select as it entirely depends upon that year's batch of applicants. Our goal is to select the most diverse and complementary group of students that we possibly can so that students learn as much from one another as they do from the instructors and industry pros.
Unfortunately, not everyone who applies will be accepted. Fortunately, there are three other amazing pathways within the Marketing major to choose from, including A-LIST, COIN and the Marketing Analytics (MA) Pathways. Since each application is carefully reviewed, there is no appeal process or application re-reviews. Decisions are final. Additionally, because of the volume of applications, we will not be able to provide feedback on your application once it is submitted.
We love people with different skills, talents, and ways of looking at the world. We welcome non-marketing majors in specific M-School courses where there is capacity. Reach out to us at mschool@lmu.edu if you’re interested.
As a marketing major, you have a choice of pathways within the department: A-List, COIN, Marketing Analytics and M-School. The M-School pathway requires an application to be submitted in the spring semester of your sophomore year. As you process your LMU transfer application, please submit the M-School application for consideration. Email us at mschool@lmu.edu with any questions.
We do our best to turn around applications as quickly as possible, but some registration slots might come before you hear back. If that's the case, register for courses as if you didn't get in. If admitted, we will issue you an override and hold a seat in your first M-School course MRKT-3521 New World of Branding & Advertising.
The M-School pathway fulfills the four upper-division electives required for all marketing majors. All M-School students are required to take BCOR-3510 Marketing & Business Communications and MRKT-3512 Customer Insights. We recommend students to complete these two courses in their sophomore year.
We are working to expand our offering beyond undergraduate. Stay tuned for more.