UX/UI App Development
In our Production Tools & Techniques course, we employed UX development processes and Figma design software to create a clickable prototype of an original app concept. Teams were also tasked to create an explainer video to launch the app.
By Eliot Droutman, Mia Simmons, Ryan Sadigh, and Sowmya Shankar
Conceptual Brand Thinking
Junior creatives develop conceptual campaign ideas that not only entertain the brain, but communicate unique product benefits coupled with distinctive brand assets that make the cash register ring.
Priya Dutta, ARM & HAMMER
For 170 years and counting, ARM & HAMMER Baking Soda has served as a pure and simple solution for cooking, cleaning, pet, and personal care. This campaign will emphasize the versatility of the product’s uses, reimagining its perceived obsolescence by highlighting all it can do, household and not.

Nicole Han, Converse
Converse has been around for over 100 years, becoming the wardrobe staple for youth, rebels, and icons alike. From the basketball sneaker days to the 90s grunge scene, Converse has been there and will continue to walk with you through life's biggest moments.

Gabriella Pace, Ring
The Ring video doorbell captures every moment of life. It's the eyesight at the front of your door ready to catch versatile moments. "Really, it's the everything-bell"It's not just a doorbell, but it's what you make of it

Dollar Shave Club + M-School
M-School has a long-standing relationship with Dollar Shave Club – they fund our projects, advise our teams and give us real briefs to execute against. This year, armed with the insight that people are overpaying for unnecessary innovation, creative pairs developed multimedia campaigns to help return DSC back to its simple everyman ways.
Shaun Holmes & Makenna Mottram, Uncomplicate Your Shave
Less Is More
At Dollar Shave Club, we don’t stand for bullshit. You’ll never catch us upselling razors with over-the-top features that don’t add to the shaving experience. We know what we’re selling - damn good razors - and there’s no need to overdo it. UNCOMPLICATE YOUR SHAVE WITH DOLLAR SHAVE CLUB.

Bianca Castro & Aditi Vora, GET SMART WITH DSC
For Those Who Cant Help But Make Bad Choices, Let Us Be Your First Good Choice.

Mia Polcyn and Tilly Mclean, IF YOU KNOW, YOU KNOW
To all the dudes out there who swear by their 3 in 1 shampoo and closet full of the same five T-shirts, we’ve got good news for you. DSC believes in working smarter not harder, and salutes the dudes who are living the simple life already.
All you’re missing is a clean shave.

Hungry for more? Check out the 2022 Creative Showcase Projects