Peter Yeh, MBA '14
Position: CEO, Innovative Medical Management
Industry: Health Care
Lesson Learned: Pursue knowledge and surround yourself with talented and ethical people. Learn from intelligent people and utilize that knowledge.

Peter Yeh started his career working in a niche market of healthcare managing complex-claims and recently pivoted from healthcare services to software and technology.
Shortly after graduation, he was offered a position as CEO of a mid-sized revenue-cycle management company, Qualified Billing & Collections. During his period as a CEO, he was responsible for developing business strategies that included acquisition of a competitor and a partnership with a large specialty finance private equity firm. They also acquired a SaaS EMR startup, Conexem, which later headhunted Yeh to be their CEO.
Since early 2021, Peter has served as president of Innovative Medical Management.
Because of his determination and impressive achievements, Peter Yeh has been named “Top 100 Healthcare Leaders” by the International Forum on Advancements in Healthcare (IFAH).
Yeh states that he is grateful for how much LMU helped him get to where he is today:
“LMU is a diverse institution that offers incredible opportunities to its students. Working in diverse teams with people from different backgrounds, who bring their unique strengths and points of view, really changed my perspective and helped me grow.”