"Two Koreas: Past & Present"

Tom Plate, Syndicated Columnist and Journalist

This session discussed how South and North Koreans have walked different paths since 1945 and live with an uneasy armistice. Many challenges which both North and South Korea have faced in the past are now not only challenges for North and South Korea but threaten global peace. The lecturer examined these challenges from historical, political, and social perspectives.

"Korean Wave": Impact on political agenda, global economy, and the social system in South Korea

Jeannie Han, Senior Vice President, Paramount Pictures. Jeannie is directly involved with all aspects of releasing Paramount motion pictures, as well as both DreamWorks and DreamWorks animation films.

The "Korean Wave" began with the export of Korean TV dramas. The export of the entertainment media is the second largest item in Korea since 2002, and now South Korea has become one of the world's top ten cultural content exporters in the global market place. The growing success of Korean dramas and remakes not only have an impact on the Korean political agenda but also on the social ramifications of the status of entertainment professionals.

The spread of the Korean Wave also faces a backlash in other countries, especially in China and Japan. Professor Lee gave insights into the reasons for the backlash from those countries.

"The role of the government in the Entertainment Business in China, Korea, and Japan"

Veronika Kwan-Rubinek, President, International Theatrical Distribution, Warner Brothers, Inc.

This session provided an opportunity to understand how Asian governments interact with entertainment media and digital business industries to protect their domestic market while thriving to the global market place. Asian governments tend to control the entertainment industry in contrast to the role of the U.S. government which is more regulatory. With globalization and a worldwide media market, Asian governments in recent years have become involved directly in promoting entertainment media business and developing professionals for global vision.

This session is helpful to students, especially who are interested in working with Asian media companies and Asian market, to grasp ideas how to work and collaborate with the local media industries and how to enhance global competitions.

"Can we prevent North Korea from becoming a nuclear power?"


Ambassador Donald Gregg, Chairman of the Board of The Korea Society in New York City. Former Ambassador to Korea1990-1993. Retired from a 43-year career in the U.S. Government in 1993.

Ambassador Gregg discussed the perspectives on nuclear proliferation by the U.S., North and South Koreas, Middle East, and neighboring countries, China, and Japan

"e-Korea, Ubiquitous"

Richard Chin, President, S.K. Telecom

A diabetic patient e-mails his condition to his doctor through mobile and broadband services on a daily basis, and the doctor and nutritionist e-respond their recommendations for his activities and nutrition. Insurance companies e-review communication records between hospital and patients. Korea has been pushing aggressively to advance its communication infrastructure since the 1980s and continues to lead the overall ICT development and has the highest internet penetration rate worldwide.

Mr. Chin examined what has made Korea the powerhouse in wireless internet markets and how far Korea deploys the technologies to cope with the government, and with various social sectors, such as, education, medicine, and other key sectors for the innovation of the national communication system.

"The Asian Auto Industry: Present and Future"

Ed Kim, Director of Industry Analysis at AutoPacific and former Manager of Advanced Product Development at Hyundai.

How are the Japanese and Korean auto industries affecting the American auto industry at the present time? How will the growing Chinese market and growing Chinese auto manufacturing industry in the future affect the Japanese and Korean and American industries?