Wall Street Prep Advanced Course Package

Cost: $50 (total retail value: $2,594)


This package includes the following Wall Street Prep certifications:

Private Equity Masterclass
3 courses, 14+ hours

This course teaches trainees how to construct comprehensive LBO models used to support real transactions and gives insiders a walkthrough of the nuances of the private equity deal process and the non-modeling day-to-day responsibilities of a private equity professional.

Certification in FP&A Modeling
8 courses, 28+ hours

Developed by FP&A professionals and used by finance teams from the world’s leading companies, you'll learn how to forecast detailed operating models step-by-step, create long-range plans with built-in scenarios, and craft both short- and long-term projection models and construct data visualizations that bring numbers to life.

Equities Markets Certification 
7 courses, 11+ hours

This self-paced EMC certification program prepares trainees with the skills they need to succeed as an Equities Markets Trader on either the Buy Side or Sell Side.

Fixed Income Markets Certification
8 courses, 23+ hours

This course was created by former sales and trading professionals focused on what interns, new hires, and early career analysts need to know on the job. Designed following extensive discussion with hiring managers at major investment banks, we built our Fixed Income program around practical requirements like Bloomberg, with Excel exercises to demystify how Bloomberg calculates Yield and Duration on a bond.

Real Estate Financial Modeling
9 courses, 20+ hours

Everything you need to build and interpret real estate finance models. Led by real estate private equity expert Aaron Hancock, you'll not only learn modeling best practices across the different real estate property types, you'll learn how real estate investors actually evaluate opportunities.

The Ultimate Project Finance Modeling Package
6 courses, 20+ hours

This program breaks down everything you need to build and interpret project finance models for a transaction. Learn project finance financial statement modeling, debt sizing mechanics, running upside & downside cases and more.